Project Design Expertise for DRM Project Application, Armenia
The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) recruits committed and skilled experts for our humanitarian, resilience and peace support operations worldwide on a daily basis. We have great experience on working together and strengthening other organisations for example the UN and the EU in crisis, conflicts or other disasters.
MSB has actively supported Armenia and its civil protection system with expertise and capacity development since 2020 through the regional programme PPRD East 3. PPRD East 3 has contributed to strengthening Armenia's capacity to conduct disaster risk assessments significantly through the acquisition of knowledge, tools, and recommendations, which have supported the drafting of relevant legislation and the National Disaster Risk Assessment process. However, a number of priorities remain and has been articulated by the Armenian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), such as enhancing the legal framework in Armenia to clearly define roles and responsibilities in the development of the National Disaster Risk Assessment. Other priorities identified by MIA are to enhance institutional capacity development in civil protection to align with the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) standards, and to foster democratic resilience and volunteerism where inclusiveness and integration of cross-cutting issues are of particular importance.
Building on the results and identified priorities from this programme, MSB will now continue its support to the Armenian Ministry of Internal Affairs on a bilateral basis. As a first step, MSB has applied for Sida funds for a design phase with the aim to prepare a full application to be submitted to Sida by October 1st 2025. In connection with the design phase, MSB is now looking for expertise to support the work with drafting a full project proposal.
The project period consists of two distinctive phases with slightly different requirements. The first phase is expected to take place May-June and second phase in August-September. Each phase is estimated at 18-20 consecutive working days.
Duty station is in Yerevan, Armenia.
This position is pending on approval from Sida of MSB's application for design phase support.
MSB arbetar dagligen med att kompetensförsörja insatser runt om i världen. Vi har stor erfarenhet av att samarbeta och stärka andra organisationer som exempelvis FN och EU i katastrof- och konfliktsituationer.
MSB har aktivt stöttat Armenien och dess civilskyddssektor genom expertis och kapacitetsutveckling sedan 2020 genom det regionala programmet PPRD East 3. PPRD East 3 har bidragit till att stärka Armeniens kapacitet att genomföra katastrofriskbedömningar genom inhämtande av kunskap, verktyg och rekommendationer, vilket har stöttat utarbetandet av relevant lagstiftning och den nationella katastrofriskbedömningsprocessen. Det kvarstår dock som prioritet att förbättra det juridiska ramverket i Armenien för att tydligt definiera roller och ansvar vid utvecklingen av den nationella katastrofriskbedömningen. Andra prioriteringar som identifierats av Ministry of Interior Affaris (MIA) är att förbättra institutionell kapacitetsutveckling inom civilskydd för att anpassa sig till EU-standarder inom civilskyddsmekanismen (UCPM) och att främja motståndskraft och frivillighet i demokratiska former, där inkludering och integration av tvärfrågor (miljö/klimat, gender) är särskilt viktiga.
MSB bygger nu vidare på resultat och identifierade prioriteringar från detta program och avser fortsätta sitt stöd till MIA i Armenien på bilateral basis. MSB har sökt Sida-stöd till en projekteringsfas, som syftar till att till 1 oktober 2025 ta fram en färdig projektansökan, och söker nu expertis som kan bistå att färdigställa denna ansökan och stödja arbetet med att ta fram ett fulltsändigt projektförslag.
Projektperioden består av två faser med något skilda uppgifter och krav. Den första fasen är planerad till maj-juni och den andra fasen till augusti-september. Varje fas beräknas omfatta 18–20 sammanhängande arbetsdagar.
Stationeringsort är Jerevan, Armenien.
Denna roll förutsätter Sidas godkännande av MSB:s ansökan om projekteringsstöd.
To support the work with drafting a full project proposal, you are (for each phase) expected to:
PHASE 1, May-June:
• Contribute to context analysis, stakeholder analysis and desk study (summary of recommendations and learning from PPRD East 3 and other interventions)
• Contribute to a needs assessment based an analysis of MIA’s current and desired capabilities in relation to the thematic areas of interest (DRM, UCPM, volunteerism, inter-institutional cooperation, crises communication etc.), in form of gap study or similar
• Contribute to the development of the project component’s activity plan and results framework, paying attention to the importance of integrating cross-cutting issues (CCI) such as gender, environment and conflict sensitivity
• Contribute to preparation, implementation and follow-up of a 2-day planning workshop to prepare the first draft of the project application together with MIA
• Coordinate with partner organisation and MSB project staff, acting as the interface between the two agencies
PHASE 2, August-September:
• Contribute to the development and ultimately finalisation of the project proposal, activity plan and results framework, with concern for cross-cutting issues (CCIs) in close coordination with MIA and MSB
• Contribute to preparation, implementation and follow-up of a 1-day validation workshop with stakeholders, followed by a 1-2 day/s workshop with MIA to prepare the final version of the application (tentatively by mid-September)
• Coordinate with partner organisation and MSB project staff, acting as the interface between the two agencies
• Proven knowledge and experience of Disaster Risk Management (DRM)
• Experience of working with project design, result based management, theory of change, facilitating planning workshops or similar activities, conducting stakeholder- and needs assessment
• Experience of integrating cross-cutting issues, such as gender equality, human rights and environmental perspectives into programme design/planning (project design, applications)
• Work experience in the field of institutional capacity development and inter-institutional cooperation within civil protection
• Experience of working with volunteerism and civil society engagement within civil protection
• Experience of crisis communication strategies and public awareness campaigns within civil protection
• Technical knowledge of UCPM policies, tools and processes
• Contextual knowledge of Armenia or the nearby region
• Minimum of Bachelor's degree in social sciences, disaster risk management or another relevant area. A combination of other academic merits with several years of relevant professional experience could be seen as equivalent.
• Specific courses and trainings in DRM, UCPM, organisational development and change management studies are an asset.
• Proficiency written and spoken English is a mandatory requirement.
• Armenian or Russian is an asset
We are looking for persons with a strong commitment towards humanitarian relief and disaster operations. It is of utmost priority that you understand, respect and act in the spirit of the mandate and core values of the MSB.
Prior to employment a medical examination must be carried out and the results must be approved by the MSB. Certain diseases and conditions can preclude international deployment. If you have any questions regarding the MSB:s health requirements, please contact our medical coordinators,
You must inform your regular employer of your potential assignment with the MSB.
MSB operations are based on the needs of populations affected by crisis, and human equality. Through my behavior and work as MSB field staff, I actively strive to prevent discrimination and harassment based on sex, ethnic origin, age, religion or belief, political opinion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.
You are expected to be available for both phases for the estimated consecutive working days.
• You must be able to interact with sensitivity and display respect for diversity and gender in multi-cultural environments.
• A capacity for working under pressure is essential, as work is often performed under difficult and demanding conditions, where the focus frequently shifts due to changes in priority.
• You must possess a high level of professional and personal maturity together with an ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues, managers and external partners, such as UN organizations, NGOs, recipient governments and host populations.
• You are expected to have excellent analytical and communicative skills, show initiative and take both a hands-on and an analytical approach to tasks and problems.
Working with the MSB on international operations means that you are temporarily employed by the MSB. The MSB pays a salary during the mission and you may also receive a salary supplement, if you have experience from working in an international organization with duties very similar to those of this position. The MSB will also pay a additional expenses allowances on 6 131 SEK/month (can be slightly adjusted) during the time you are working in Armenia. MSB pays for accommodation of appropriate standard and return travel. You will also receive a benefits package, ranging from psychosocial support, counselling from medical coordinators and insurances during the mission.
How to apply:
If you wish to apply you first need to create an account on MyPages. Please note; the information that you provide on MyPages will form the basis for your CV. When you have created you account and registered your CV-details on MyPages you submit your application by clicking on the "Apply" button in the add on, and then follow the specified steps. If you already have an account on Mypages you can go directly to Apply-botton in the announcement on If you find any trouble with MyPages, please contact our mypagess support;
It is your responsibility as an applicant to document your skills in a way that allows an objective and qualitative assessment. As a government agency we are subject to the principle of public access to official records. This means that if someone requests copies of application documents, we are obliged to disclose them. If your identity is protected, you should contact the HR officer stated below, before registering any information on MyPages.
Please note that your application need to be in English.
The MSB will process the applications on an ongoing basis during the application period, which means that we wish you to submit your application as soon as possible.
If you have any questions regarding the project or the assignment, please contact Program Manager Henrik Herber on email: /telephone: +46724619814
If you have any questions regarding the requirements, contractual conditions or how to apply, please contact HR-Officer Amanda Blixt on email: /telephone: +46722068699
Welcome with your application!
Amanda Blixt